Telltale signs that you need to hire a plumber at your new home

When you are relatively new to your new home, you are equally excited and nervous after you moved there just a few weeks ago, but, you are totally caught off guard of a plumbing problem that will surely ruin your experience to your new home which is surely unpleasant and stressful at the same time.

If you do not have an idea what are the signs that your new home has plumbing problems, you came to the right place because in this post, let us talk about the telltale signs that your new home has plumbing problems that need to be fixed. This post is brought to us by the guys from the best plumber in delaware county pa.

  1. Your sink and bathroom floor drains the water slowly- Slow drains are a telltale sign that you have poor plumbing maintenance or design which could also be a sign that something is clogged down the pipes or at the sewer. To check if there is a slow drain, you should run the water at each sink and your bathtub or bathroom floor to check if it drains quickly or not. If it drains very slow, you know what to do, call a plumber because there might be something that clogs the pipes leading to the sewer that can be fixed instantly with a plumber before it becomes a more expensive problem.
  2. Low water pressure- This can happen for many reasons but, in particular cases, low water pressure is a sign that there is corrosion or rusting inside the pipes, and this often can be fixed by replacing the plumbing of your house with a reliable plumber. Although it is expensive, it is the best way to fix this problem. To check if there is low water pressure, it is pretty easy, just turn on the faucet and check if the water is running normally or not. Run the water as high as it will go, and if the pressure is not sufficiently high, there may be a problem with your water pipes.
  3. Check for some molds on the walls- Molds and other disgusting stuff that appears on your house’s walls can cause health problems to you and your family. Molds is a serious issue because there is a huge possibility that there is a busted pipe that causes moisture and running water to leak that causes the mold to develop. Molds are usually stains that are usually black, green, gray, or yellowish large spots that run on the walls. If you notice mold on the walls, this is a telltale sign that there is a leak in your plumbing system, and worse this pipe is connected to your toilet so you better contact a plumber right away.
  4. Gurgling water- The gurgling sound that you hear from your faucet or the pipes of your water pipes or toilet can be a telltale sign that there is something blocking the vent pipe, and this could be caused by improper venting or partially clogged drain.

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